Ogun NUJ Congratulates Ogunyinka on his Appointment as Permanent Secretary - Infopalavanews


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Thursday 6 June 2024

Ogun NUJ Congratulates Ogunyinka on his Appointment as Permanent Secretary


Dear Mr. Ogunyinka,


On behalf of the Nigeria Union of Journalists, Information Chapel, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to you on your recent appointment as a Permanent Secretary in the Ogun State Civil Service. This significant achievement is a testament to your unwavering dedication, exceptional skills, and exemplary leadership within the public service sector.

Your esteemed career, marked by your previous tenure as the Director (Information), in the Ministry of Information and Strategy, has been nothing short of remarkable. Your academic accomplishments, including a Bachelor of Arts (Combined Honours) in English and Yoruba Languages from the Ogun State University, and a Master of Arts in Communication and Language Arts from the University of Ibadan, have undoubtedly equipped you with a robust foundation to excel in your new role.

As a senior Comrade in the Nigeria Union of Journalists, you have consistently demonstrated a profound commitment to the principles of public relations and public communication. Your appointment is not only a well-deserved recognition of your hard work but also an inspiration to we your colleagues and the broader journalistic community.

The Union also extends sincere appreciation to the State Governor, Prince Dapo Abiodun CON, for finding you worthy of this appointment. His Excellency's decision reflects a commendable acknowledgment of your dedication and capabilities, further emphasizing the trust and confidence placed in you to advance the goals of the State Civil Service.

Sir, we are confident that your tenure as Permanent Secretary will bring about positive transformations and contribute significantly to the development of Ogun State. The NUJ, Information Chapel, stands proudly beside you, and we look forward to witnessing the continued positive impact of your leadership.

Once again, congratulations on this well-deserved appointment. We wish you immense success and fulfillment in your new role.

Yours sincerely,

E - Signed,

*Comrade Femi Osipitan*


*Comrade Goke Oyebade*


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