The Bengaluru Central Crime Branch (CCB) in India has made a groundbreaking drug bust, apprehending a 44-year-old Nigerian national in possession of a staggering 16 kilograms of MDMA and 500 grams of cocaine.
Estimated at a value of $2.8 million, the seizure marks one of the city’s most significant drug confiscations.
The suspect, living in Bengaluru on a business visa for a year, had rented a residence in Ramamurthynagar.
Investigations suggest his involvement in a more extensive drug network spanning neighbouring states in the country.
According to police sources, the illicit substances were cleverly concealed in parcels, camouflaged within chocolate boxes, soap covers, bedsheets, and garments.
The police said it suspected the Nigerian, who was not named, was gathering a massive amount of drugs ahead of New Year parties in the city.
Further intensifying the crackdown, the police have detained the landlord for neglecting to report the tenant.
Bengaluru police had launched a mobile app recently to help PG owners, owners of lodges and landlords to upload details of their tenants and guests voluntarily.
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