Serving Senators, Ex-Bank CEO, Others Included in Tinubu’s Ministerial List [DETAILS] - Infopalavanews


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Sunday 2 July 2023

Serving Senators, Ex-Bank CEO, Others Included in Tinubu’s Ministerial List [DETAILS]


President Bola Tinubu’s highly anticipated list of ministerial nominees is now prepared for appointment.

According to POLITICS NIGERIA,  reports that reliable sources within the corridors of power have affirmed that this initial batch of names will be submitted to the Senate in the coming week, followed by subsequent lists of nominees.

The first batch primarily consists of technocrats, aligning with President Tinubu’s objective of swiftly revitalising the economy.

“The president is meticulously selecting individuals whom he believes will bring value and propel the country forward, particularly in the realm of economics,” revealed a source.

The source further disclosed that the list would be finalised during a meeting with the president on Monday.

Investigations have revealed that the list includes serving senators from both Northern and Southern regions.

It was learnt that President Tinubu aims to construct a performance-driven Federal Executive Council, thereby headhunting highly competent technocrats who can aid in achieving his Renewed Hope Agenda, for which Nigerians voted.

The president recognises the necessity of departing from the traditional approach to ministerial appointments and has already demonstrated his talent-spotting ability in Lagos State. “Rest assured, he is assembling a formidable team to address the challenges facing the country,” a source assured.

Sources have disclosed that among the technocrats on the list is a former CEO of a commercial bank from the South-West. This individual, a Fellow of Chartered Accountant (FCA), is being considered for the Ministry of Finance, where their core competence would be a perfect fit.

Additionally, it has been revealed that President Tinubu intervened in the selection of a nominee from Kano State due to the ongoing conflict between the immediate past governor, Abdullahi Ganduje, and his predecessor, Rabiu Kwankwaso.

Tinubu granted President Buhari the opportunity to present a nominee from Katsina State, as the former president had sent a recommendation to his successor.

In a clear display of his commitment to expedite the economic reconstruction, the president intends to submit the first batch of nominees to the Senate this week.

It is speculated that among the list of nominees may be the immediate past governor of Rivers State, Nyesom Wike, along with some of his colleagues from the G-5 camp.

Furthermore, sources suggest that individuals who were unsuccessful in their senatorial bids and were unable to install successors in their respective states might be considered for ministerial appointments.

It should be noted that the president is required to appoint one minister from each of the 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) to aid in governing the nation. Former President Muhammadu Buhari, for instance, appointed 44 ministers, with some states receiving two ministerial positions.

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